Saturday, September 5, 2009

Missing the Point

    Extreme Measures are needed to push our society towards a better future. I have been watching the events bubbling throughout our nations' melting pot, most of these issues have awaken demons that we have swept under the rug for over the last 30 years and now are beginning to overflow on this generation. Education is a serious subject in our society, and it is imperative that we do something about it. There are so many avenues of learning nowadays but it seems our schools have not been getting the support until now. President Barak Obama has implemented a new sense of concentration to enhancing our students and even our parents' role in education. I am an example of someone who had all the abilities to succeed in our education system, but for some reason I lacked motivation, and it took me experiences and my own search for knowledge(after graduation) to really find that certainty in school that is believed to be instilled in us as a child. It takes a major effort from adult influences to put a real seed in the minds of youth, and send them down the right road. President Obama has a scheduled speech directed to our students and parents of those students, and according to some articles I have read it is to encourage our students to stay focus and strive for a better education. In my opinion, if I had someone as influential as the President of the United States taking time out of his schedule to speak directly to me; it would light a flame in me to do better and prove I belong in this unjust society. That reaction has not been the case unfortunately.

    Although times are tough and people are under a great deal of stress because of America and its daunting financial situation, this does not excuse the ignorance that has begun to spread across this nation like a disease this past month. I read that education departments across the nation are banning their students from watching the President's address to the students of America because of pressures from parents'. People are saying Obama talking to our children is "forcing" them to do what he feel is right for the nation. Honestly, have we gotten to the point where we won't even allow an inspirational figure like President Obama to talk to our very undereducated youth? People we have an obligation to better our future, and if it takes a talk by the president to ensure the growth in our children then so be it. Hearing encouragement from someone who came from a meager situation like most publicly educated students across the country will only develop them into more enthusiastic students. We as the people have to make a transition from selfishness to a sense of community; we have to put some urgency into each other in order to take a stand against the grievances we face. Right now we are failing at that, and we have the opportunity to have the greatest figure in our life to spark a needed flame and we denying that from our children.

    We are simply missing the point of electing this president; we have been granted an opportunity to leave behind those old ways of thinking and be inventive in our ideals and motives. It kills me the simplicity that society will allow, and it hurts me to see people in strain but it hurts even more to see potential in someone and them not using it. That is why this address from our president is so important, because I have seen kids that lacked motivation but had all the potential in the world. A speech about education to many young people would be boring coming from a normal person but from the president who they can actually relate with will be beneficial. So my message to everyone is to be influential and stress education, it is time we took a stand and fall into agreement that something is wrong with our current education system. Think about it.