Friday, October 2, 2009

When TRAGEDY sets its course

    Years and years of ill placed anger have led our society almost to the brink of civil destruction and national catastrophe, meanwhile burying the qualities that our nation fought to create. We have endured countless battles between the races and pointless wars within our own distinctive cultures, but we have yet to find that common ground called peace. It seems the horror that has been foreshadowed upon our future is being overlooked. I picture the world as beautiful but still crutched by the flaws people will not put behind them. It is time to create a new era of thinking we cannot allow disaster to be our only source of unheralded inspiration when it comes to change in our societies. I watch and observe poverty stricken neighborhoods and gang violence everyday but those stories go on unheard. I watch the unemployment rate rise to 9.8 percent in September and crime rate increase just as rapid and those stories our under publicized. Change is inevitable but it starts from the ground up.

    I am hurt by the ongoing tragedies that have surfaced over these last few months. Mainly the death of a young boy named Derrian Albert, who was beaten to death as he walked home from school. I don't know the full details but I do know the beating was caught on tape and it sparked something in my heart to write this blog. I have been witnessing our youth become more and more violent, I am still considered a part of the youth so I believe it impacts me and my peers as much as teenagers. This violence expressed by young America has to stop and it has to stop now, it is becoming clear that somewhere in our society we have put so much on the shoulders of our kids until they hold grudges. This is no time to blame others, this is a time to confront ourselves; I refuse to watch more kids be killed without saying something. I feel the movement to change has to start with the marchers, and out of the marchers the general will be formed. It should not take disasters like the Tsunami in New Zealand, or tragedies like Derrian Albert for the world to see we are in some dark times. Violence has become the answer to a lot of foolish things, and if the marchers/ the people do not make known that we want change it will never happen.

    Acting is more effective than just hoping for change, and this is the attitude President Obama has been trying to communicate to the world. We can all sit here and talk and feel sorry for one another but it is time to put our hands together and lift each other up. I read a letter from acclaimed rapper Nas that addressed the youth of America as "young warriors," he said "we have the ability and mind power to change the way we are looked at," his words are the spark needed to push our youth forward. We will not survive off ignorance and being taught to be violent. We are all warriors but we should not have to fight one another we should turn our energy to fight the War on Poverty, and the War on this economy. If we aim our frustration at better means, better results will follow. R.I.P. Derrian Albert and love to his family, use his death as a spring board for a better life to come for the next young man or woman.Think about it...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Missing the Point

    Extreme Measures are needed to push our society towards a better future. I have been watching the events bubbling throughout our nations' melting pot, most of these issues have awaken demons that we have swept under the rug for over the last 30 years and now are beginning to overflow on this generation. Education is a serious subject in our society, and it is imperative that we do something about it. There are so many avenues of learning nowadays but it seems our schools have not been getting the support until now. President Barak Obama has implemented a new sense of concentration to enhancing our students and even our parents' role in education. I am an example of someone who had all the abilities to succeed in our education system, but for some reason I lacked motivation, and it took me experiences and my own search for knowledge(after graduation) to really find that certainty in school that is believed to be instilled in us as a child. It takes a major effort from adult influences to put a real seed in the minds of youth, and send them down the right road. President Obama has a scheduled speech directed to our students and parents of those students, and according to some articles I have read it is to encourage our students to stay focus and strive for a better education. In my opinion, if I had someone as influential as the President of the United States taking time out of his schedule to speak directly to me; it would light a flame in me to do better and prove I belong in this unjust society. That reaction has not been the case unfortunately.

    Although times are tough and people are under a great deal of stress because of America and its daunting financial situation, this does not excuse the ignorance that has begun to spread across this nation like a disease this past month. I read that education departments across the nation are banning their students from watching the President's address to the students of America because of pressures from parents'. People are saying Obama talking to our children is "forcing" them to do what he feel is right for the nation. Honestly, have we gotten to the point where we won't even allow an inspirational figure like President Obama to talk to our very undereducated youth? People we have an obligation to better our future, and if it takes a talk by the president to ensure the growth in our children then so be it. Hearing encouragement from someone who came from a meager situation like most publicly educated students across the country will only develop them into more enthusiastic students. We as the people have to make a transition from selfishness to a sense of community; we have to put some urgency into each other in order to take a stand against the grievances we face. Right now we are failing at that, and we have the opportunity to have the greatest figure in our life to spark a needed flame and we denying that from our children.

    We are simply missing the point of electing this president; we have been granted an opportunity to leave behind those old ways of thinking and be inventive in our ideals and motives. It kills me the simplicity that society will allow, and it hurts me to see people in strain but it hurts even more to see potential in someone and them not using it. That is why this address from our president is so important, because I have seen kids that lacked motivation but had all the potential in the world. A speech about education to many young people would be boring coming from a normal person but from the president who they can actually relate with will be beneficial. So my message to everyone is to be influential and stress education, it is time we took a stand and fall into agreement that something is wrong with our current education system. Think about it.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Turning the Corner

    Outside, the world is standing at the foothills of a mountain that could hold the inevitable secrets of this nations' future. Over these last few years we have encountered countless battles between the edges of our own country and abroad. Still the people have come together to accomplish the greatest historic feet ever by electing the 1st African American President of the United States this past November. I watch like a sniper above his target, scoping the worlds so evident transformation. We have the opportunity to leave a cemented mark on history by changing our ways and going in to the future with open minds and even wider hearts. Chasing the things that will better us, and beginning to be conscious to what is needed to be done to alter the dynamics of the things that hinder our society. We are finally electing state and government officials with a sense of diversity and sense of what is really needed to help this country succeed (Regarding Judge Sotomayor). It is obvious that we need that diverse outlook in our politics because this country is such a melting pot and have so many opinions on so many topics. For some reason those small insignificant locusts like trials and tribulations still plague our social growth. We still struggle with racism, we still struggle with police brutality, we still struggle with unheralded stereotypes and most of all we still struggle with hatred, the answers I do not have but what I do know is it is time for a renovation, it is time to Turn the Corner.

    I feel there is much room for apparent change, but the people who have the power to make those changes are either being pushed so far down they no longer believe they can make a difference, or they have reached a certain point and are content with that position no longer weary to the rest of this nations needs. Television has been the leader in disguising and forming "the people(s)" opinions on major subjects these days. No one wants to do the research anymore, no one wants to form an opinion based on the knowledge they acquired on their own. "The People," rather listen to these so called specialist on these political channels and allow them to dictate what we believe is right for our lives. I respect opinion but I have never and will never respect those who regurgitate things they heard from someone else. We have taken many small steps but ignorance still rains in the midst. I have been watching people protesting President Obama and his Health Care Reform which in my opinion if you disagree with something it is your duty as a citizen to let your disagreements be heard. That being said, I have seen these protestors painting Hitler mustaches on President Barak Obamas' face and holding signs that read "Death to the president and his family," and I sit here like what type of person wishes death on anyone but what type of hatred do you have in your heart when you want a man and his family dead. The world has its demons and unfortunately we have no bearing to do anything about them. I say to those people you should be ashamed to compare your own president/any good man to a person who killed 6 million Jewish people viscously. He hasn't even been in office long enough to form such a crude opinion about him, George Bush took us to war which killed thousands of innocent troops over lord knows what and we voted him another term. It is time to voice opinion but do it honorably, and be humane about it and let us begin to turn the Corner.

    Developing the need to renovate is going to be the part that will challenge all of us. That starts with the people who are tired of the lies and the government overlooking our needs. These blogs are the beginning of my search for renovation, informing the world with my opinion on the things you may have not really took the time to form an opinion on your own yet. I see small strands of change falling on to the feet of our society. In California, their government has signed a bill releasing over 27,000 inmates from correctional facilities throughout the state. This bill will parole these men who were in prison for non-violent crimes and non-major offenses which will clear approximately 300million dollars off the states budget. I say to that it is about time, California has been incarcerating our men (72 % of prisoners' are minority) over the last 20 years for less than liable reasons. Even though this wasn't a choice of enlightenment, but more because California is going broke, it still is a start to helping our people recreate their lives. The bill also creates parole programs to help these inmates stay away from the offenses that got them in those prison cells in the first place. Times are changing the need to pay attention to the small things are becoming more palpable in society these days. I am excited to see the direction we can bring this world towards in the future. I am ready to TURN THE CORNER…..think about it.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hmm!! Bold Action or Compromise

    These last 8 months the microscope has grown closer and closer on our historic president. It has slowly tilted away from the praise he was receiving in January when he was sworn in, to a more skeptical outlook on how he is handling his position. In my opinion the government can only do so much, so patience is a must, but at the same time it is hard to be patient when the unemployment rate is climbing above 10 percent in some states and the mortgage rate is at its all time high. That being said this election was not based on merit and the credentials needed to be president, but it was based on who we "the people" felt had the ability to perform the job the best. Our country has hit bad times, more so than ever, and I know by experience, because the city I sleep in is nationally becoming one of the most abandoned cities in the nation because the housing industry has completely tanked and the jobs are few to none. In Michigan the unemployment rate has hit 17 percent which is astounding, but this recession has hit many other places and some places very hard. The Hope campaign led by president Obama has not changed, but the reality of the campaign has become more than that of hope, but more so true actuality, now that his footsteps are in the sand facing the people he promised change for. In his mission to change, we have to remember it takes time and money in this world to do certain great things. Remember FDR (Franklin Deleanor Roosevelt) took an extra term to take us out the Great Depression even though people know that World War 2 was the actual cause. It seems we have a lot of doubters now that we are 8 months into a term that will ultimately transform the DNA of our society for better or for worse. Doubt does not change anything, so I advise you to do the same as Obama, either make a Bold Action or Compromise to a different lifestyle.

    We put our country in the hands of this man and his administration, why should we be scared now, why should we turn our backs now? We gave George Bush 2 terms and look what happened over his tenure. We cannot judge off this short time, never the less we have to urge President Obama to be a leader for us and not just someone who makes decisions. Also we have to realize for him to initiate a plan that will help change our economy around someone is not going to like it, it is simple as that, everybody will not be happy with the decisions Obama makes but if you read the fine print the ones who actually need the help is who he is trying to assist. Shepard Fairey, the artist who did the famous Hope Campaign poster of Obama, has released a new poster that I am intrigued by; he raises the points if President Obama will take Bold Action or Compromise to keep his likeability high on the polls. According to the polls, his likeability has dropped to 54 percent which is major since he has yet to make a year in office. I believe we have to give him a chance before we throw him under the bus, and think about the other things he has accomplished in his short time as president. We have better relations with multiple Nations that we were hated by for so long before his term started; including Russia, Turkey, and even China. He is trying to put our young single mothers back into school, and build our future by creating grant programs for kids to go to college. His impact under the radar is greater than what is publicized. Do not let the headlines blind you from some of the major things that the president and his administration have going on.

    I feel a change coming, may not be from the president himself, but this society will shortly recognize the power we have as people. It only takes a few to change the way the world sees certain things. Just think 10 years ago, we never had access to Youtube flicks of a disstressed country fighting for their rights to vote as we see over in the Middle East. Technology has taken us to a place where if we use it right this recession will be so far in our past that it won't even be mentioned in our kids history books. I am standing for Truth, and I believe that so far Obama has been truthful to the people he serves. We just have to be truthful to ourselves, do we really want to put our faith in "Man," or sacrifice a little pride and get out there and do what we have to, to survive in this world where opportunity is usually right next door to us, but we are always to scared of which opportunity it will be. Think about it…




Sunday, July 26, 2009

Venus/Mars: Why are men and woman so different?

    It was a quiet day at a local diner here in Tucson, Arizona, just reflecting on some things I had built up inside my mind. About 2 hours ago my girl friend and I had a crazy fight over something to this moment I have no idea about. I left the house to clear my mind as she screamed something behind my car throwing old rice cakes similar to meteors as they banged against the back window. I never understood woman, hell I could never understand myself and why I reacted on certain small issues the way I did. I guess it is that old saying that keeps us so distant from each other, you know, that men are from Mars and woman are from Venus. I can honestly speak testimony to that saying; men and woman have different outlooks when it comes to relationships. Woman want romance, spontaneity, and dependability, men we want, well that is exactly what I mean, who really knows what a man wants from a relationship. I am a man and I don't know what I was looking for in the relationship I placed myself in this last year and a half. All I know is that we argue about the smallest things and go hours without speaking to each other then after the hiatus of the English language we have the greatest make up sex ever. And in the end she wins whatever argument we had (even though she could have been completely wrong). It is the Law of the Land I guess, woman have a certain emotional gravitation that will just make any man concede to their demands in the drop of a dime. Maybe it is because Venus is closer to the sun and you know how they say the sun has a strong magnetic pull, but now that I think about it that could be the answer to a lot of crazy things woman do. And that could be the reason why men are so cold when it comes to emotions towards the opposite sex.

    I sit at this diner and watch other couples and the way they interact trying to place my size 12 feet into the shoes of each contestant of this game called love I was playing in my mind. To my left was an old couple cuddling up inside their booth looking as happy as ever, one feeding the other bites of cheese cake. I find myself reminiscing on the good things me and my girlfriend had, still trying to remember the actual reason we fought in the first place. There is no answer to the world of relationships, woman are so determined to make a relationship work and men, damn us men, we are so determined to screw the relationship up. Maybe it is a growing fear of actually sharing, you know when you are in a relationship you have to share everything and men are naturally selfish people and woman are nurturers and givers by DNA. The act of giving our emotions to a woman is scary, once we do this we have no defense mechanism, and as a man we can't have someone so aware of our emotions (not even our girlfriends). I sit here and think about those small things life brings to you and I can honestly say she was the biggest thing that God every brought into my life. So instead of wallowing over another screw up I committed, I went across the street and grabbed some flowers and went home to apologize. That is all men have to learn in the end, that woman have the strength to put up with all the nonsense we create and still support us in whatever we do.

    Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, the real reason I have no clue but the evidence is definitely clear. According to the actual book Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus, written by Dr. John Gray, a relationship specialist who says woman have a deeper personal feel for emotions and people. Men on the other hand are much simpler when it comes to issues of personal emotions. This being said a genuine connection is lost because woman are more mature to the realities of truly being in a relationship. They know more in depth steps of keeping relationships going, but men are the key to making a relationship succeed. It is up to the man to put his selfishness behind him and put her emotions first, if he can do this the relationship can work. The biggest difference between men and woman are the use of communication, a woman uses communication to give her heart to someone, and a man uses communication to make his ideas known and sometimes the ideas we have are not helping the situation at hand. One thing I don't understand about woman is that they carry too much luggage from their past relationships into their new relationships. Honestly, the defensive nature of woman turns men off, so when the relationship begins and they have all this baggage that needs to be penetrated through just to get to their heart, this can seriously hurt a relationship in the long run. The differences are the reason we are men and woman, but to make a successful relationship occur we have to start highlighting the things men and woman have in common here on Earth no matter if we came from Mars or Venus.


Friday, July 24, 2009

The Thin Line

    I have been in my information overload stage this past week trying to expand my mind a little more. I have seen in this 1 week the premiere of CNNs Black in America 2, which incorporated two parts the 1st part consisted of the leaders of the future and the 2nd part consisted of the pioneers of the future. I watched both of them and analyzed it as I normally do, and I found myself consumed in the actual importance of this documentary. Meanwhile, I turned the channel to the History Channel (which is my favorite by the way) and a show called Gangland was on and the episode was discussing the bloods gang that has plagued our black communities since the seventies in most of our major cities. This was a crazy thing to me, to actually watch CNN and see the poverty stricken side of the black communities and to them still striving to change our future was such a positive situation and then I turn the channel to witness the nonsense of the young black males and females who join gangs and kill other young black males and females without even putting into perspective of the families they are affecting.

    Black in America 2 showcased Chris Rocks wife initiate a Journey of Change program where she took 31 (13=15year old) kids from an inner city New York community to South Africa and help with the poverty and AIDS affected nation. I watched this with a sincere heart because she didn't just choose kids who were academically superior, but she took kids who needed a major experience in their lives in order to help them grow in other forms other than in school. I can relate to this because I have associated myself with all kinds of people and usually the ones I meet that is the scholar are usually the most lost when it comes to the world and survival. My friends range from drug dealers to doctors and the mind process of both are not too far from each other. Both still face the perplex decisions of "What is Next," in their lives and what will be the route they choose. Black in America highlighted the aspects of what is needed to help our youth grow as individuals in this world where generations before ours have built casualties to the lack of education. The second part of the documentary included pioneers of the change in social descriptions that 20 years ago we didn't have as people. They talked about Tyler Perry and his rise and impact to the world of entertainment. I agree that he has the ability to transform the industry for the black actors and writers but I am honestly not a fan of his work. But that is off subject the fact is that we have pioneers like him and Barak Obama will definitely make us better as a people no doubt in my mind but we are still being plagued by outside influences.

    Gangland was a show that showed the black gang called the bloods, and how they affect black communities. I have friends in gangs although I never was approached by one but I have always known about them and been around them. I have never really understood the need to be a part of one until I had a conversation with one of my closest friends who was a gang member and he told me that he lacked a father in his life and he needed some type of brother something to belong to since his family was so broken up. I could now understand where his mind was at, but watching the show just reassured that as black men we have a responsibility to help our youth through the temptations that pull them into situations where they only have small percentage of making it out of. I believe it takes a serious look at the people who are helping those young men and a look at the people who have programs that work and take the guns and gang signs out of their hands and put a book or a pen to put their thoughts down and express the actual world they see.

    "The thin line," is the fact we have people looking thoroughly into our neighborhoods on one side of the social chain, but we also have a serious gang problem on the other side of it. We are so close to changing a lot of things and going in a direction that will help our future, but we just have shadows on our heels that still hold us back. It is a unity thing that we have to focus on; bringing a more positive lifestyle to our communities is the most important thing to surviving the negative aspects of being black in America. We have a duty as a people to become front runners towards change, no matter what you think about other races, blacks are the fuel of change in the entire world. We embody acceptance and freedom, our culture affects this entire world just look at Hip Hop music. Still, we face racial profiling but we are still the only race that gets national attention for our protest, example this week I seen a protest over Harvard University Professor Henry Louis Gates being falsely accused and arrested on his own property. When a man of his status is screaming foul play, what do you think they will do to us who are still trying to create a status in this world? Unity is a must. But there is only a thin line between growth and falling, think about it….


Monday, July 13, 2009

Fighting Temptations

It has been one of those summers where I have seen the growth inside myself and the people I surround myself with. Those who know me may have seen a few changes in my demeanor, and even a few adjustments I have made due to the situation I have live in. I am trying to pursue a dream, to become a more inventive person and show creativity through my words. This being said leaving behind the small strands of negativity that seem to form inside my space has become very difficult. I have learned that it takes my own self belief to be successful not the world who watches me. The temptations in this world vary from the smallest infractions to the biggest misunderstandings, but they are evident and affect us every step of our growth. Putting the thoughts of society in perspective is a way to weed out the positive things in our lives with the negative things. For some reason negativity receives most of the shine in today’s society. I remember reading this passage by Oscar Wilde one of my favorite writers as he explains temptation in An Ideal Husband "Do you really think ... that it is weakness that yields to temptation? I tell you that there are terrible temptations that it requires strength, strength and courage, to yield to. To stake all one's life on a single moment, to risk everything on one throw, whether the stake is power or pleasure, I care not -- there is no weakness in that." This quote speaks to me because people have begun to lack the ability to fight the bad temptations but go into long strenuous battles with the good temptations.

It is easy to fall victim to something everyone has had their battles with, but it takes a strong person to fight for the things that make you a better person. Society loves to highlight what people did to get into certain situations, but never do they release the story of perseverance. Throughout the days, we have seen a lot of misconceptions and witnessed a lot of blood spilled on the hands of those who allow the smallest things to affect their morale. Fighting temptations is not a easy thing to do but the challenge is the reason we are here on earth a life without challenges is a dull existence in my opinion. How do you ever grow if you never beat something that was pushing against your beliefs, and how can someone survive without a little adversity. The ability to know that temptations are there is extraordinary already but to put your own thoughts above its existence is a quality of someone who have learned the true meaning of facing something supernatural and winning the battle. Robert Ingersoll referred to temptation in his book How to Reform Mankind, Works "Temptations are as thick as the leaves of the forest, and no one can be out of the reach of temptation unless he is dead. The great thing is to make people intelligent enough and strong enough, not to keep away from temptation, but to resist it." It is important to be fearless when it comes to temptations because fear only brings doubt and if you doubt your strength to fight then you no longer have the upper hand. We all have faced our own demons, I know I have and I am still going through the things that hold me back. I watch other people and I realize it takes that rare quality of perseverance that will elevate me to the next level. I love uniqueness about people but one thing I have learned from unique people is that we are rarely understood. I ask you, are you willing to battle the many temptations that surround you as a person? Think about it.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Growth and Productivity

I have been on what most people would say as an exile from the normal regiment I am used to living by lately. Through these few weeks of distance from the world I live in, I have been trying to discover that thing that helps me elevate my production. I have wanted to put behind those habits of procrastination and fear of failure and substitute them with the actual quality of unheralded productivity. I love to evaluate myself and reveal my less than strong qualities and turn them around even if the process takes some time, the road is the greatest challenge for me the actual mindset is like a battery to my soul keeping me pushing forward at something I know will be better for me in time to come. One of the most important things people forget when it comes to life is that they always find a reason to spend majority of their time not producing good karma. What I mean by that is you have to do the good things for your life in order to receive the good results.

Being productive in everything you do is hard but beneficial when you sit down and reflect on your life. Once you realize that you have been moving forward because of certain small details that you have added to your daily routine and the major impact it has had, not only to yourself but everyone that is around you. One thing I have learned from this transition I am slowly moving towards is that you have to be fully committed to the change. It Is not a goal to change yourself at all it is a goal to make your life a lot more fruitful by allowing yourself to weed out the distractions and focus on the things that help you grow.

At the end of the 2008 my mom told me to write down what I wanted for this year, she told me to put the details of what I want to accomplish out of this year in the form of a list. I did what she told me and it didn't dawn on me the actual importance of this until about four months afterwards when I glanced back at the notebook in which I wrote this list down in and I read over it and found that after four months I have accomplished over half of the task I wanted to do. I say this because I believe having a concrete foundation to follow will give you a blueprint and set goals you can focus on accomplishing. Striving to grow is so important in life; I have felt the content people are the ones who lose their way because of lack of direction. Growing can consist of reading more, learning a foreign language, or focusing on yourself or family, just finding something that you personally feel is keeping you going forward. I cannot justify what you believe will benefit your growth process just like you can't justify what I feel will benefit mine. It is whatever you find; I just hope you can find it because growth is that important component to a fulfilling life. Structuring your life to be better will never hold you back, and elevation is a good thing. Think about it

Thursday, June 18, 2009

As of Now pt. 2 Finding Direction

Understanding the direction this society has moved toward is a major part in unmasking the wrong things that serve as the head fronts of our social stables. We have to take down the false leaders and replace them with our own community strengthened leaders. As of now we are individuals living together in a nation in which we are in need of a person to take community reigns and steer us towards stability is as evident as the growing gas prices. We have to become a force of our own and cannot allow our government to dictate the way we feel about certain situations. In the 70's we rebelled against the government policies and we had young Americans leading the fight, and those protest made us a stronger more united country. We discovered during those times that our voice can make a difference although the Vietnam War did not stop immediately the acts of those people protesting brought a sense of urgency to the government decisions.

As of now, we do not have the people standing up for the rights of the people. I am not going to leave out the certain organizations sprinkled across the nation but the percentage of activist are tremendously outweighed by less opinionated people about major issues. I am not saying you have to go buy a t-shirt or a poster showcasing your dislikes of the world, but I am saying the people have to show some opinion, some sense of care towards a cause. It is time the little man in this world release some of our disgust for what those in power have created and have allowed to be taken to an unimaginable level. Being vocal and showing that we actually care in what our government spends the money we generate on is the first step to change. It concerns me that we have we lack opinion from the people living in those atmospheres that actually need help. We have to take in more knowledge and express ourselves in more in depth ways

Putting together a plan to get us out of this recession is a task for every person on this earth. We have to exude more intuitive and use our vigor to better this entire world. Finding the medium that will drive us back to the days our government worked for “the people” should be the main mission. We don’t have to struggle anymore; we can find a common ground where we elevate each other and not become complacent and selfish. Today is when we change, now is the best time for us to become united and one voice. Too many people in this world have shed unmerited tears; we fought battles with no chance to win and no it is time to put our hands together and walk forward in the mist of the tension. We have taken our hits in our nations existence but we have also fought back to make a difference in so many areas. Right now we need to fight for the change that is needed. So today I write for the beginning of new times, I grant these future years “The Age of Change.”

Monday, May 18, 2009

Role of the University

Being a young black male in this society, I feel it is my duty to touch on Americas major issues that affect us every day. I am a victim of the “system,” when I say system I really mean the education system. I am an example of someone who attempted plenty of times to better his education through the traditional ways, such as going to a university and hands on college. Honestly, as I watched the people around me and became accustomed to the college life I realized that being in college wasn’t doing the things that high school said it would. I was taught in high school, that college will prepare you for life and college would teach you the social skills to succeed. The “system,” has been blinding us from reality since we were kids, the entire college process to me is a load of crap. I am not saying the idea of higher education is bad, I love to learn and when you are learning there is nothing better. But why do we have to take and pay for 3 math courses, 2 biology labs in order to graduate with a journalism degree. Is that not a crime to force the low income families to have to pay for classes that don’t even remotely help them in their field? The thing about it is that the roles of the universities are exploited to make those who go into college successful, but put those who don’t into that stigma as a failure. I support all my friends who are on the road to higher education, if you have the means to do it, please do it. But for people to say a college degree will get you so much farther than not having it is just stupid to me. The way I feel, if you take 4 years of college to get a degree, and someone took 2 years of hands on training, the job should be fairly analyzed but experience counts for a lot. I always see lawyers and doctors on television telling people to further their education, and I look at them like everybody does not want to be lawyers or doctors. If I major in marketing the odds of me actually working in my field is slim, if I want to be a writer I have to go through all this other crap just to do what I love.
The biggest crime about the university is that it’s set in stone that it really takes you 4 years to be ready for the world. In my opinion the preparation for life starts with the parents, college is the next step, but college life doesn’t induce maturity in my opinion it hinders it. Think about it, I know too many young adults who have been through the college system and have no clue on what they want to do afterwards and it’s because they been spoon fed and giving this outward depiction of what life after college is going to resemble. I say life is unpredictable, but I was a 19 year old living on my own, attempting to go to college and I was still lost in the world just another casualty to hard work for no gain. I dropped out of college and put my life into Gods hands, now I have discovered what I want for myself and what I want out of my life. College didn’t prepare me for being homeless at a point in my life, and I am only 21, so why should I dedicate $25,000 to something that isn’t doing its job.
The “system,” doesn’t hold up on its end like we do ours, we go to class, we support the school, we pay our over charged tuition, and live in those terrible dorms, in order to graduate from college and be jobless for the first one or two years. Is that fair, let me ask you this, do you think in this recession people are getting discounts on their college debt, I bet not. Even though we do what society calls right, the universities do not care that we are in a recession, and 20 percent of America is out of work, we still getting that bill at the end of the month. That to me is not fair, but what can I do about it, nothing I can just protest, and write my thoughts and hope that you all feel what I am saying. Please do not let me discourage you from college, because it is a great experience but be weary of the fallacies you will face. I believe it is time we support our young enthusiastic teens who want more than that normal life, who want to own businesses, we need to breed our entrepreneurs at a young age. The role of our universities needs to change; we have to incorporate a new way of education because we are losing a lot of bright minds to the “system” we are currently using. Think about it.