Monday, May 18, 2009

Role of the University

Being a young black male in this society, I feel it is my duty to touch on Americas major issues that affect us every day. I am a victim of the “system,” when I say system I really mean the education system. I am an example of someone who attempted plenty of times to better his education through the traditional ways, such as going to a university and hands on college. Honestly, as I watched the people around me and became accustomed to the college life I realized that being in college wasn’t doing the things that high school said it would. I was taught in high school, that college will prepare you for life and college would teach you the social skills to succeed. The “system,” has been blinding us from reality since we were kids, the entire college process to me is a load of crap. I am not saying the idea of higher education is bad, I love to learn and when you are learning there is nothing better. But why do we have to take and pay for 3 math courses, 2 biology labs in order to graduate with a journalism degree. Is that not a crime to force the low income families to have to pay for classes that don’t even remotely help them in their field? The thing about it is that the roles of the universities are exploited to make those who go into college successful, but put those who don’t into that stigma as a failure. I support all my friends who are on the road to higher education, if you have the means to do it, please do it. But for people to say a college degree will get you so much farther than not having it is just stupid to me. The way I feel, if you take 4 years of college to get a degree, and someone took 2 years of hands on training, the job should be fairly analyzed but experience counts for a lot. I always see lawyers and doctors on television telling people to further their education, and I look at them like everybody does not want to be lawyers or doctors. If I major in marketing the odds of me actually working in my field is slim, if I want to be a writer I have to go through all this other crap just to do what I love.
The biggest crime about the university is that it’s set in stone that it really takes you 4 years to be ready for the world. In my opinion the preparation for life starts with the parents, college is the next step, but college life doesn’t induce maturity in my opinion it hinders it. Think about it, I know too many young adults who have been through the college system and have no clue on what they want to do afterwards and it’s because they been spoon fed and giving this outward depiction of what life after college is going to resemble. I say life is unpredictable, but I was a 19 year old living on my own, attempting to go to college and I was still lost in the world just another casualty to hard work for no gain. I dropped out of college and put my life into Gods hands, now I have discovered what I want for myself and what I want out of my life. College didn’t prepare me for being homeless at a point in my life, and I am only 21, so why should I dedicate $25,000 to something that isn’t doing its job.
The “system,” doesn’t hold up on its end like we do ours, we go to class, we support the school, we pay our over charged tuition, and live in those terrible dorms, in order to graduate from college and be jobless for the first one or two years. Is that fair, let me ask you this, do you think in this recession people are getting discounts on their college debt, I bet not. Even though we do what society calls right, the universities do not care that we are in a recession, and 20 percent of America is out of work, we still getting that bill at the end of the month. That to me is not fair, but what can I do about it, nothing I can just protest, and write my thoughts and hope that you all feel what I am saying. Please do not let me discourage you from college, because it is a great experience but be weary of the fallacies you will face. I believe it is time we support our young enthusiastic teens who want more than that normal life, who want to own businesses, we need to breed our entrepreneurs at a young age. The role of our universities needs to change; we have to incorporate a new way of education because we are losing a lot of bright minds to the “system” we are currently using. Think about it.