Sunday, July 26, 2009

Venus/Mars: Why are men and woman so different?

    It was a quiet day at a local diner here in Tucson, Arizona, just reflecting on some things I had built up inside my mind. About 2 hours ago my girl friend and I had a crazy fight over something to this moment I have no idea about. I left the house to clear my mind as she screamed something behind my car throwing old rice cakes similar to meteors as they banged against the back window. I never understood woman, hell I could never understand myself and why I reacted on certain small issues the way I did. I guess it is that old saying that keeps us so distant from each other, you know, that men are from Mars and woman are from Venus. I can honestly speak testimony to that saying; men and woman have different outlooks when it comes to relationships. Woman want romance, spontaneity, and dependability, men we want, well that is exactly what I mean, who really knows what a man wants from a relationship. I am a man and I don't know what I was looking for in the relationship I placed myself in this last year and a half. All I know is that we argue about the smallest things and go hours without speaking to each other then after the hiatus of the English language we have the greatest make up sex ever. And in the end she wins whatever argument we had (even though she could have been completely wrong). It is the Law of the Land I guess, woman have a certain emotional gravitation that will just make any man concede to their demands in the drop of a dime. Maybe it is because Venus is closer to the sun and you know how they say the sun has a strong magnetic pull, but now that I think about it that could be the answer to a lot of crazy things woman do. And that could be the reason why men are so cold when it comes to emotions towards the opposite sex.

    I sit at this diner and watch other couples and the way they interact trying to place my size 12 feet into the shoes of each contestant of this game called love I was playing in my mind. To my left was an old couple cuddling up inside their booth looking as happy as ever, one feeding the other bites of cheese cake. I find myself reminiscing on the good things me and my girlfriend had, still trying to remember the actual reason we fought in the first place. There is no answer to the world of relationships, woman are so determined to make a relationship work and men, damn us men, we are so determined to screw the relationship up. Maybe it is a growing fear of actually sharing, you know when you are in a relationship you have to share everything and men are naturally selfish people and woman are nurturers and givers by DNA. The act of giving our emotions to a woman is scary, once we do this we have no defense mechanism, and as a man we can't have someone so aware of our emotions (not even our girlfriends). I sit here and think about those small things life brings to you and I can honestly say she was the biggest thing that God every brought into my life. So instead of wallowing over another screw up I committed, I went across the street and grabbed some flowers and went home to apologize. That is all men have to learn in the end, that woman have the strength to put up with all the nonsense we create and still support us in whatever we do.

    Men are from Mars and women are from Venus, the real reason I have no clue but the evidence is definitely clear. According to the actual book Men are from Mars and Woman are from Venus, written by Dr. John Gray, a relationship specialist who says woman have a deeper personal feel for emotions and people. Men on the other hand are much simpler when it comes to issues of personal emotions. This being said a genuine connection is lost because woman are more mature to the realities of truly being in a relationship. They know more in depth steps of keeping relationships going, but men are the key to making a relationship succeed. It is up to the man to put his selfishness behind him and put her emotions first, if he can do this the relationship can work. The biggest difference between men and woman are the use of communication, a woman uses communication to give her heart to someone, and a man uses communication to make his ideas known and sometimes the ideas we have are not helping the situation at hand. One thing I don't understand about woman is that they carry too much luggage from their past relationships into their new relationships. Honestly, the defensive nature of woman turns men off, so when the relationship begins and they have all this baggage that needs to be penetrated through just to get to their heart, this can seriously hurt a relationship in the long run. The differences are the reason we are men and woman, but to make a successful relationship occur we have to start highlighting the things men and woman have in common here on Earth no matter if we came from Mars or Venus.